During cooler months, and in areas deemed a “cool climate,” opening your window attachments during the day can let light into your home, allowing extra heat to enter the room so that your heating system doesn’t use as much energy to make your home comfortable. Closing your window attachments at night helps trap heat, which decreases the amount of energy used by your heating system.
The opposite is true during warmer months, and in areas considered “warm climates.” When it’s warmer outside, closing your window attachments during the day can help keep the sun’s heat out of your home and reduce the amount of energy used by your air conditioning system.
No matter the climate, window attachments are an important tool for controlling the amount of light and heat that enter your home. Purchasing the right window attachments can help you save energy by reducing your air conditioning and/or heating use while keeping you comfortable.
Additionally, the use of automated window attachment products may increase energy savings and comfort even more by allowing you to schedule opening and closing of the window attachment products. This will maximize the potential for savings all year long.